Wednesday, September 26, 2007

LANGUAGE ARTS TOPIC OF WEEK: Writing a Research Project

Good Morning Grade 5 class and parents,

This week we will be focusing on researching information. You will have to generate, gather and organize your ideas on either your favourite sport, animal, music or inspirational person in your life. You may gather information to support your ideas for writing using a range of print and electronic resources ( e.g. Internet, library, interview people with knowledge of the topic, newspaper clips, articles) Make sure you hand in a rough copy of your project so I can proofread it. Be sure to add visual images to your research project. Remember : Make it fun, creative, and interesting for the class.

I provided an online tool for students to conduct their research topic. Students can find their topic of interest and learn how to effectively present their research report.

Check out this website to learn more about verbs, pronouns, adjectives, conjunctions, and nouns. This is a great site to use while proofreading your research project

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